LIMA Weekly Insights

Data disclosure in cloud environments

Wim Fokke, Global Account Manager at Group 2000

Date January 6, 20234
Author Wim Fokke
Read 7 Min
A dark, spiraling tunnel illuminated by bright blue neon lights, creating a futuristic and immersive effect.

As a manager for corporate security tasked with legal compliance, you are probably used to getting confronted with high costs for data retention storage solutions. Especially in today’s times of data growth and increasing compliance and data disclosure demands.

For general storage solutions, Cloud storage is nowadays a logical choice when needing a cost-effective and scalable storage solution. In addition to that, it delivers speed, reliability, and security.

These features are very attractive when implementing a LIMA Data Retention solution. After all, storing significant amounts of data in a very reliable environment while being able to scale are the import factors for a Data Retention solution. Furthermore, being able to scale exactly according to the storage requirements can mean impressive cost savings as no investment is lost in unused yet expensive storage.

The question is,  why aren’t there any cloud-based Data Retention compliance solutions out there? Or are there?

The main factor in keeping data for a Data Retention system ‘in-house’ is local regulations regarding physical security and the registration of physical access to the systems. For that reason, Data Retention systems generally are deployed on a local cloud or, even more often, on dedicated hardware.

It is important for you to know that there are options to use Cloud storage for Data Retention solutions as well. Even within the boundaries of the local laws. By using techniques like hashing, data can be anonymised so no sensitive and private data will be stored in the Cloud.

From a technical point of view, a Cloud deployment for a DR compliance system also makes perfect sense. For example, the LIMA Data Retention database uses Apache Cassandra - an open-source NoSQL distributed database. This technology is specifically suitable for deploying on a cloud infrastructure, as many of the users of Apache Cassandra do.

Moreover, because of security features offered by the likes of Google Cloud, AWS, and Azure and hashing of sensitive data, Data Retention solutions can start reaping the benefits of cloud storage, while operating within the regulations of local laws.

The latest release of LIMA Data Retention fully supports cloud storage by offering the necessary security features. To make the best use of the cost-effectiveness of a cloud environment, LIMA also has a cloud-based licensing structure that is independent of the amount of data that is stored – a major differentiator compared to other compliance solutions.

With these new features, LIMA Data Retention strengthens its position as one of the leading compliance solutions for legal retainment and disclosure of data.

Feel free to contact us if you want to know more about the option of a cloud-based Data Retention solution.

Wim Fokke
Global Account Director

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