LIMA Weekly Insights

Secure your 5G compliance 

Max Posthuma de Boer, Product Manager at Group 2000

Date September 28, 20214
Author Max Posthuma de Boer
Read 5 Min
Silhouettes of people standing amidst a curtain of blue, twinkling lights in a dark, immersive environment.

For you, like a mobile network operator, it is all about compliance. Local, national, and supranational governmental bodies all create legislation and regulations to which you should adhere. 

The telecommunication sector is one of the regulated sectors.

When launching a new communication service, like 5G, the involved parties all put significant effort into ensuring that lawful interception and data disclosure management is in place for this new communication service and that the handover of the intercepted data is as required by the various law enforcement agencies.

Launching a new communication service like 5G often involves new equipment/platforms provided by various vendors, where all these equipment should correctly interwork with each other.

However, during the lifetime of this new communication service, updates and changes are introduced by these vendors for reasons like security, functionality, capacity, or resolving found issues.

The problem is that each of these changes in the infrastructure introduces new risks and might even break compatibility with other services which interact with this infrastructure.

E.g., the lawful interception service tightly integrates with some of the network functions provided by the new communication service. When a vendor changes an involved network function, the unfortunate side-effect might be that the lawful interception function will no longer function correctly, with the result that you, as a mobile network operator, are no longer compliant with the telecommunication regulation!

In this case, Law Enforcement might no longer receive critical communication of its targets under surveillance with potentially disastrous consequences. You might even face penalties for not being compliant. Therefore, timely detection of such cases is of the essence. 

To mitigate the risk of non-compliant. Group 2000 introduced LIMA Élite, a tool that performs 24 x 7 fully automatic checks on the availability of the entire lawful interception chain, providing you real-time insight into the correct functioning of your legal and critical compliance infrastructure. LIMA Élite helps you with timely detection of un-availability of the LI service due to, e.g., changes in your infrastructure. It facilitates the auditing processes and SLA management of the involved parties.

Do you want to know more about how we can support you with your compliance needs? Please feel free to contact Group 2000.

Max Posthuma de Boer
Senior Product Manager

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