LIMA Weekly Insights

The cell site analysis device for police forces

Gerko Koppelman, Solution Architect at Group 2000

Date February 22, 20224
Author Gerko Koppelman
Read 3 Min
Aerial view of a busy city intersection with multiple cars, marked with digital location icons, representing GPS tracking or navigation.

LIMA Cell Monitor, the cell site analysis device for police forces – telecom operators

Last January Group 2000 released a new version of the LIMA Cell Monitor software. Many new features are added which are created in close cooperation with our awarded and trusted customers. In this blog, the two most important features are highlighted.

LIMA Cell Tracker
In the new version of the LIMA companion app, a cell can be selected for tracking. The user is notified when the serving area of the cell is left and entered. This can be very useful in Search and Rescue scenarios or for CTDC (Counter-Trafficking Data Collaborative) situations where a target phone is or was using a certain cell id, and information has to be fed to a dynamic intelligence police unit that deals with crimes in action in live time.

LIMA Snail trail
Another feature added to the app is the LIMA snail trail. This feature allows you to show the traveled route during a survey. The route is real-time updated and can be used to make sure you covered all the relevant locations if you are conducting a survey. Also, a 3D view is available showing (high) buildings.

The LIMA app update contains these two highlighted features and is available for download in the Google Play Store.

LIMA Cell Monitor is a purpose-built device that can be used to undertake site surveys to collect 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, and Wi-Fi data. Its small form factor and Android companion app allow it to be used in covert surveys carrying a backpack or in a vehicle trunk.

If you are interested in better understanding the various use cases and technology of LIMA Cell Monitor for your organization, do not hesitate to approach us to request an individual presentation.

Please feel free to contact Group 2000. Or leave your information in the contact form, and our experts will call/email you back.

Gerko Koppelman
Solution Architect

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