LIMA Weekly Insights

Can you guarantee the integrity of your LI environment?

Jaap Boonstra, Senior Global Account Director at Group 2000

Date November 22, 20214
Author Jaap Boonstra
Read 5 Min
A dark, spiraling tunnel illuminated by bright blue neon lights, creating a futuristic and immersive effect.

Can you guarantee the integrity of your LI environment, compliance auditing in heterogeneous LI in your network environments? Probably not. However, there is a solution:

Fulfilling telecommunication regulatory and compliance obligations nowadays is not about simply adding, for instance, Lawful Interception capabilities to the network anymore. At first glance, it might still seem that way. However, legal departments, security departments, and governmental agencies require mandatory auditing, reporting, and as such corporate compliance resulting in transparency reporting based on clear evidence of what is happening in the entire LI chain. This will have a significant impact. Furthermore, the complexity grows in environments with heterogeneous LI solutions in place, legacy networks, multiple network elements from various vendors, and probably a mix of deployed LI platforms from various vendors as well. The consequence? Detecting technical issues, as well as human or even unlawful activities, can consequently become troublesome.

So, knowing the impact, all checks and balances, control, and as such, the right technology must be in place to validate the actions with regard to LI in the networks and if they are being handled correctly. The answer to the aforementioned challenges? LIMA LI Auditing.

  • Having multiple LI vendors and legacy networks, you can find a way to make sure that LI provisioning is happening correctly, detect technical issues, as well as human or unlawful activities.
  • Guarantee the integrity of the LI environment through an advanced auditing mechanism.
  • Log in to every network element from every vendor in your network and LI environment to verify that all known targets are being intercepted correctly and no unauthorized and unlawful targets have been set.
  • Automate the auditing process on network elements and compare any encountered provisioning data values found with equivalent values included in a list of known lawful interceptions and alert for identified discrepancies.

Simplifying and automating the auditing process increases the assurance that (human) errors are (drastically) reduced, including enhanced detection and security. This is how we (Group 2000, your architects in safety and intelligence) have approached these issues and created a cutting edge vendor-independent and external LIMA LI Auditing platform consisting of a Management System (MS), and Audit Layer (AL) deployed on separate nodes. This functionally separated auditing system protects the telecommunication service operator. LIMA LI Auditing simplifies and automates multiple scenarios since even on low-level network equipment. LIMA LI auditing takes care of the entire LI chain, and anomalies will be detected and reported.

The LIMA LI Auditing platform is a purpose build state of the art platform and can be used as an independent auditing solution in any LI environment and network.

Feel free to contact us if you want to learn more. We embrace it to have you at the table, and by clarifying your demands, adding your insights, and even taking notes of your doubts, we can truly devise the best advise possible. For you we co-create, we innovate, we differentiate in an ever-changing world.

Jaap Boonstra
Senior Global Account Director

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