John Smit, Sr. Global Account Director at Group 2000
Lawful Interception systems such as LIMA Lawful Intercept are powerful for Police and Intelligence Services to fight crime and terrorism. Obviously, the availability of lawful interception is of paramount importance and even a short downtime of this service could have disastrous consequences for ongoing investigations.
Thus Police and Intelligence Services invest heavily in the quality of monitoring centers, e.g. by implementing a high availability configuration, train their technical staff to monitor the system around the clock, and enter into a 24×8 maintenance and support contract with their supplier. Despite all these precautions, something could still go wrong and valuable data to fight crime and terrorism could be lost forever.
The cause for a disruption of the lawful interception service might not even be found in the technical environment of the law enforcement agency. There is also a dependency on the systems that are installed at telecom providers. These systems intercept a target’s electronic communication in the telecom operator’s network and are a valuable part of the whole chain for lawful interception.
In short, for Police and Intelligence Services it is critical that they can trust the data provided by telecom providers and that no data is lost.
Automated end-to-end Lawful Interception test tooling helps law enforcement with the validation of the complete LI chain for all telecom providers and ensures timely detection of certain non-compliances. For this purpose Group 2000 developed the LIMA Élite solution.
With the LIMA Élite solution, the complete paths from target interception in the network via the LI mediation systems at the operators to the Monitoring Center are automatically being tested, 24×7 for each operator, network, and technology. In case LIMA Élite detects an anomaly an alarm is raised instantly, alerting the LEA staff that actions are required to restore the LI chain.
The long term case? For Europe, this will not only yield more financially in the long term (I expect a tipping point somewhere between 8 and 11 years compared to the short term variant) but especially in the field of innovative and sustainable development. A more competitive economy, resilient to a good stimulation climate where the industry and outside the industry will generate many new start-ups and new business ideas that will benefit us all.
Please, contact Group 2000 should you have the interest to learn more about LIMA Élite.
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