With the introduction and rollout of 5G networks both for stand-alone and non-stand-alone network architectures, new Lawful Interception capabilities must be in place in the network of the operator in order to stay compliant with the regulatory laws of the local government. With LIMA Lawful Intercept you are ensured of a compatible and trustworthy system. As for mobile network operators the evolving technology will cause the following considerations:
- Consideration and evaluation of the current supplier, this in terms of technology, support, new functionality, and the annual costs involved for maintaining or expanding the current systems. By other means, am I still happy as a client with the performance of my current supplier?
- If the answer is yes, there could follow a 2nd consideration: there is a need to expand the current system in place (for example for 2G, 3G, and 4G) in order to be compliant for 5G. which vendor has the best capabilities? Is that the current vendor, or is there an opportunity to introduce a 2nd vendor for the 5G LI environment?
- If the answer is a 2nd vendor the following consideration needs to be answered: how do I manage and monitor 1 single environment? As a customer, you have the demand to work with 1 user interface to manage the entire LI environment. Hence is the 2nd vendor capable of task the underlying legacy environment?
- If the answer on this bullet is again positive, we might have the right answer for you. Group 2000, your architects in safety and intelligence with the vision to co-create, innovate and differentiate with you and for you as a respected client, are able to fulfill your requirements and demands. We have a significant number of deployments across the globe, the architecture is standardized and productized which means that we have a wide range of standard APIs and handover interfaces where we have managed and tasked all kinds of legacy LI systems of other vendors. All bundled in 1 user-friendly and cost-efficient platform.
Call us @ +31 546 482400 in case you require more information. We are more than happy to answer properly.