Richard Coppens, CEO at Group 2000
How often reading (interesting) articles and blogs do we encounter an inexhaustible summary of all the advantages of a solution or a product? All the advantages and especially technical specifications come forward in the hope (of a supplier) of convincing customers (you!) to ultimately award an order to the supplying company. From our perspective, this is a 1-dimensional approach. As a customer, and moreover, your expectation(s) isn’t this nothing else once selecting a partner that a solution simply suffice? As a customer you may expect from a supplier (a business partner is a better phrase) to have a keen eye on the needs of the market and to adapt its product development and product - market strategy or even better the corporate strategy accordingly providing you with the best quality, support (organization and systems) and price as available in the market.
The 1-dimensional approach is especially true for the IT sector or related to this topic moreover applicable to the IT security sector where countless companies tumble over each other to emphasize that they are technically superior with all the associated benefits. Certainly in 2021 and moreover when a partner selection has to be made there are more factors to take into account as a business partner, the product differences between provided solutions by suppliers in most sectors are minimal and this also apply for Group 2000. Of course, there are very good product benefits and advantages but the differences are from a technological perspective minimal and as a consequence not the dominant factor to make a partner selection. Having said this, what are the primary factors to enter into long partner relations and analyzing the selection from a broader perspective?
The following questions absolutely apply:
In more detail on the above points, it is ultimately about the people who work for you as a customer. The right intrinsic motivation, a high level of knowledge, enough time to think about implementing the next step on a technical, R&D, quality, process, or commercial level.
From a Group 2000 perspective, we do our job in this context, we do not claim that we are the best (we leave that judgment to our trusted customers) but we have both feet solid on the ground in this world and we do our work with the aim of providing our customers a solid experience and that from all disciplines in our company and company stakeholders. And yes (frankly) we do our work very well as you as a customer may expect, which can certainly be a breath-taking experience in the world of compliance solutions for telecom operators. Too often we come across actions (in the market) that has been taken from opportunism, from the perspective of customer lock-in which is, of course, a nice commercial term to make you, as a customer, pay more and more and more) or inadequately functioning customer support and follow-up in case of problems that must be (urgently) resolved.
Of course, we also encounter software problems, it is all about how (quickly) you solve them, the accessibility of the support organization and the people, and in particular, the inventiveness of the people in order to find a solution and resolve quickly. We also have an SLA and a release policy (upgrades) to provide customers with the latest functionality and (security) patches and as part of our responsibility and vision to keep you satisfied as a customer there are no additional payments, after all, substantial investments have already been made, in-licenses and additional services and not to forget the services fees.
To conclude as in life, is there sincere attention, a sincere will to improve, help and support relationships with the aim of strengthening - implementing solutions from a business partner? Realizing that with a good business partner your concerns rely on good hands and are carried out according to the highest industry standards? It is our philosophy that you as a customer can focus on strengthening your own position in the value chain, in short, improving your own competitive strength.
Our vision is intentional and sincere: For you we co-create, we innovate, we differentiate in an everchanging world.
Do you want to know more about our solutions, or do you have a question or an interesting case? Get in touch with one of our experts.