Edwin van Vliet, Solution Trainer at Group 2000
The LIMA solutions, in general, focus on executing requests from authorities to telecommunication providers like i.e., interception or lawful disclosure requests. The requests are administrated in and executed from the LIMA Management System. The goal is to get the job done as quickly as possible with the least possible effort from the operator using the system.
But… the actual execution of a request is just one part of the request handling process. Common steps preceding the execution of a request are receiving the request and authorising it, but for each customer, more and/or other steps could be identified. This is where LIMA Workflow comes in. LIMA Workflow is a highly customisable add-on to the LIMA Management System, enabling, among other things, the recording of all steps in a request-handling process.
Each step in the business process is represented by a number of tasks in the corresponding workflow. An authorisation step i.e. may contain just a simple task like an operator declaring that a request is valid, or can be a more complex combination of tasks implementing a decision-making framework like LIMA iTrust6ATM.
LIMA Workflow in the LIMA Management system:
As all relevant information regarding the business process is recorded in the workflow, it is ideally suited for generating transparency reports, SLA reporting and so on.
Each workflow is the representation of a business process of a customer. A Group2000 consultant will, together with the customer, identify the steps in the business process and the tasks involved and will translate the process into a workflow definition. After defining the workflow, a demo will be given, providing the customer with the opportunity to review the workflow and provide further clarification, if needed.
After the workflow definition is completed, it will be deployed on the customers LIMA Management System, allowing the operators to use the workflow. After an agreed period of time, a final review of the workflow will take place. If minor adjustments are found te be needed in practice, the workflow definition will be adapted, after which the final version of the workflow definition will be deployed.
Do you want to know more about our solutions, or do you have a question or an interesting case? Get in touch with one of our experts.