LIMA Weekly Insights

Workflow Management for security departments

Max Posthuma de Boer, Senior Product Manager at Group 2000

Date June 12, 20204
Author Max Posthuma de Boer
Read 5 Min
View of Earth from space at night, showing illuminated city lights scattered across the dark surface under a starry sky.

For repetitive tasks, each click, each keystroke costs time. Fewer clicks and keystrokes increase efficiency. No one will debate that. Still, a lot of software applications are not designed with this simple principle in mind. Particularly, when a process is not standard for each organization or user. What is missing here is that within the design process of the software application, a generic approach is chosen which serves all customers or use cases. In other words, the chosen design is in most cases based on a variety of customer needs.

What is required here is a flexible approach to how a user should interact with the software. Flexibility in process steps and flexibility in the layout within each of these process steps. One approach to achieve this flexibility, which many software developers choose, is to allow the user to make some elements of a GUI screen configurable, e.g. by giving to option to leave out certain fields or rearrange elements of the screen. This might help to a certain extent, especially when the implemented process is very simple. But in more complex workflows a higher level of flexibility is required. In those cases, it should be possible to e.g. add additional process steps, automate process steps, or even remove complete process steps. Workflow management software or Business Process Modelling tooling often address this level of flexibility. This generic Business Process Modelling tooling is again a compromise between the many use cases it should address and organizations in which such applications should operate. These compromises either makes the tooling extremely complex or it fails to deliver on its promise.

Within Group 2000, we identified this, and while implementing our workflow management tooling we focused on our customers and the compliance applications they use. LIMA Workflow Management, our unique ability to fully tailor our LIMA solutions to customers’ processes and needs, has been specifically designed to facilitate the compliance processes of our customers. No concessions had to be done during the design process, resulting in a solution for our customers that is fully flexible and designed to fit their needs. LIMA Workflow Management is a valuable solution for our customers’ organization by increasing the efficiency of their departments while securing that duties are performed in full regulatory compliance. Even when you already have an operational lawful interception and/or data retention solution, our LIMA compliance process automation will be a valuable add-on by providing you with a single user interface, including all details like checks, logs, reports, billing, and validation measures. Through our structured, uniform method and tooling, we help you to improve your operational excellence and optimize the total cost of ownership (TCO) for your organization.

Max Posthuma de Boer
Senior Product Manager

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