Lawful interception of communication is not a matter of simply tapping a phone call or text messages. Lawful interception software should ensure regulatory compliance by providing a scalable turnkey solution that supports all relevant technical standards and legal requirements. Operational and budgetary requirements should be fulfilled at the same time. And let’s not forget to mention that the solution must be able to support your future expectations for data traffic growth.
LIMA Lawful Intercept is Group 2000’s proven industry-leading solution for lawful interception. Built on a flexible architecture, LIMA Lawful Interception can integrate with any fixed, cable, and mobile network, regardless of the vendor. And all technologies are supported.
Read more about 5G Lawful InterceptionOur warrant management and workflow management features result in minimized operational costs of the solution. Setting passive and active network taps is done very fast and easy through our intuitive web-based GUI. LIMA Lawful Intercept can scale seamlessly with the bandwidth needs of 5G, ensuring that the solution is future-proof.
Furthermore, LIMA Lawful Interception is: