All incidents, questions, or potential enhancement requests can be reported by e-mail or by phone to the Group 2000 Customer Care Support Desk. Our team is fully equipped and ready to provide 24/7 support for all those who choose to use our Maintenance & Support services.

All incoming requests are registered in our system and are given a unique ID for easy tracking and communication purposes on both sides. Each request is validated and qualified by using the agreed Service Level Agreement (SLA) in place. By doing so we can prioritize the request quickly, making sure we act according to the severity at hand.

In case of any issues reported, most of the time, an answer is quickly provided by our Group 2000 Customer Care Support Desk, ensuring that you can resume any task needed on your side and carry on with your day-to-day business without any hassle. In some cases, the analysis shows that a software fix is needed in order to resolve the issue permanently.

When this happens, our team is focused firstly on lowering any high-severity operational issue and will first provide a suitable workaround. Once that is done, a problem ticket is opened by our Group 2000 Customer Care Support Desk in order for our Development team to further investigate the software problem. At all times, we track progress made and ensure that the fix is supplied in a timely manner, resolving the issue quickly and within the agreed-upon timelines.

Weekly meetings between the Customer Care Support Desk and Development Team(s) are held in order to go through each and every problem ticket raised. This is to make sure we lose no time in getting the fix done as soon as possible and constantly checking if the priority of all work needed is planned in the correct way.

In some rare cases, an emergency fix is needed. When this occurs, we use the so-called ‘Fastlane Procedure,’ which allows all parties needed to escalate and act immediately. If needed, we are organized to work 24/7, making sure we meet each and every deadline.

Once the new, reviewed, and tested software fix is made available by our Development Team, our Customer Care Support Desk is able to follow up and make arrangements to plan and roll out the software fix. Depending on your company’s change management process, our Customer Care Support Desk prepares, plans, and executes the roll-out of the new software patch. After installation, the change is tested in agreeance, and after validation and approval, the ticket will be closed on our side.

Group 2000’s teams are well adapted in order to work together, ensuring to meet customers’ expectations. We take great care in what we do as we know how important it is for you to be able to perform your work efficiently.

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