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LIMA Solutions
LIMA Lawful Intercept
LIMA Data Preservation
LIMA IP Traffic Profiling
LIMA 5G Identity Lookup Architecture
Working with Group 2000 for lawful interception and data retention
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Our story
LIMA Network Protect
LIMA Location Based Services
Lima élite
Compliance telecom
Pluggable architecture
Compliance telecom
Pluggable architecture
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Lima Lawful Intercept longer title
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Management System
Turn-key Lawful Interception
No need to change
Service Providers
Supply Chain Partners
Corporate Social Responsibility
LIMA Warrant Management
LIMA Data Preservation
LIMA Network Protect
LIMA Lawful Intercept
LIMA Cell Monitor
Service Providers
Standard & Virtual
No Changes Required
Graphical View
Easy to Understand
Wide Range of Options
LIMA iTrust6A™
What are the eligibility criteria?
LIMA Workflow Management
LIMA Mediator
VoLTE S8 HomeRouting (S8HR)
LIMA Data Retention
Group 2000 addresses Europol's Concerns on Home Routing and Its Impact on Law Enforcement: LIMA S8 HomeRouting
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The net-zero promise: LIMA Network Protect Energy
Richard Coppens
What do we aspire in Europe?
The 5G revolution is approaching
European Telecommunications Standards Institute
Gerko Koppelman
Checks, and measurements for your Lawful Interception IT Architecture
Marcel Hylkema
Using workflow management for smooth handling of legal warrants
John Smit
Is your lawfully intercepted data complete and trustworthy?
Sander de Jong
Off-Air Intelligence will go Hybrid
Workflow Management for security departments
Why end-to-end LI-verification is so important
Partner selection expectations and reality
The influence of non-verbal communication via computer screens
Embracing cloud for critical legal compliance solutions
Lawful Interception: 5G interception for Mobile Network Operators
Wim Fokke
Cell Site Surveys – Why are they so important?
Supplier selection processes
Don't let the new 5G SA Privacy Features stop you from catching IMSIs
Cutting-edge technology for successful G7 policing
The relevance of the EU Directive 2018/1972 EECC for OTT services
Fast, faster, fast enough?
Secure your 5G compliance
Cell Site and Mobile RF analysis
Jaap Boonstra
Can you guarantee the integrity of your LI environment?
EU initiatives strengthening the legal basis for Data Retention
The cell site analysis device for police forces
College of Policing - Radio Frequency Conference
Maarten Kippers
Recommendations for MNO's: deploying 5G
Cloud resiliency - why it matters
The relevance of LIMA 5G SA Identity Association
How 5G technology and design choices are changing LI requirements
The benefit of Warrant Management, Auditing, and Integrity check solutions
5G technology and design choices are changing LI requirements, part 2.
Lawful intercept for Rich Communication Services (RCS)
Data disclosure in cloud environments
LIMA Data Retention Cloud
5G keeps evolving
Sjoerd van Doorn
LIMA Data Retention
Benefits for legal officers: Data disclosure system
Henk Hamberg
From purchase order, to onboarding, project management and delivery
Handling Electronic Warrants in Data Retention
First RegTech
Customer project results (customer benefits)
Onboarding of LIMA customers till successful acceptance
Edwin van Vliet
The creation of a workflow
Wim Verbakel
Dedicated project management
Lee-Anne van Harte
Group 2000 Environmental Management System (EMS)
As a customer, you have influence on our LIMA roadmap
The LIMA Academy
Guido van der Molen Kuipers
Our vision about SLA management
Group 2000 cares about compliance: LIMA
Quality approach QMC
From a LIMA ticket to a LIMA fix
LIMA IP traffic filtering Architecture
Pieter Winter
From idea to a LIMA architecture
Leading the Way in LIMA Lawful Intercept Solutions
Group 2000 27k processes
Global footprint and global support
Andrea Bonetta
LIMA Maintenance and Permit Management
Lawful Interception Interfaces
Seamless Integration
Compliance and Security
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Compliance and Standards
Scalability and Flexibility
Dedicated Support
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Thanks for vacancy request
LIMA iTrust6A™
LIMA Network Protect
LIMA Cell Monitor
LIMA Data Retention
LIMA Elite
LIMA Location Services
Lawful Interception Market
Data Archiving Software
Disclosure Management
Cell Phone Interception
LIMA Maintenance and Permit Management
Frequently Asked Questions
Lawful Interception in 5G
Complexity of Regulatory Compliance
Scalable and Future-Proof Solutions
LIMA Insight Reports
Data Security and Privacy Protection
Interoperability with All Vendors
Cost Management in Lawful Interception
Efficient Data Management and Storage
Service Reliability and Uptime Assurance
Digital Transformation and Network Innovation
Thank you for your interest!
Thanks for subscribing!
Cloud-based Data Retention - What’s the point?
Maximizing Lawful Interception: The Advantages of IP Traffic Profiling.
LIMA 5G Identity Lookup: Facilitating Lawful Interception
Understanding NFV Cloud Environment: A Key Enabler for Modern Telecom Networks
Tom Besteman
Maximizing Efficiency and Compliance: The Benefits of Data Disclosure Systems
The Net-Zero Promise: Network Protect
IMSI-Catchers in the 5G Stand Alone Era: Still Relevant?
The Role of Interoperability in Telecommunications
5G Keeps Evolving: Key Takeaways from 3GPP Release 18
Mobile Network Maintenance: Strategies for Efficiency and Cost Savings
The Positive Impact of Expanded 3GHz on the Mobile Industry and Economy
The Evolution of 5G: From 5G Core to 5G Core Dynamic
7 Future Use Cases for 6G: Next-Gen Communication Technologies
The Importance of End-to-End Verification in Lawful Interception
Workflow Management: Key to Efficient Legal Warrant Processing
Cell Site Surveys – Why are they so important?
Managing Large Datasets - Data Availability
Lawful Interception (LI) – Ethics, Transparency and Proof
Understanding E-Evidence Part 1: 3 Major Challenges for Telcos
Understanding E-Evidence Part 2: 3 Major Challenges for Governments
Deploying 5G (SA): Key Challenges for MNO’s
A Wake-Up Call for Securing Lawful Interception Systems
The importance of an ethical decision-making framework for lawful disclosure of personal data.
A Holistic Approach to Intelligence Gathering
Impact of 5G on lawful interception
ISS World Europe 2024
ISS World MEA 2024
Meet Group 2000 at ISS World Europe 2025 in Prague: Architects in Intelligence and Security
How can I schedule a meeting or demo with Group 2000 at ISS World?
Where can I find Group 2000 at ISS World Europe 2025?
Can I attend more than one session with Group 2000 at ISS World Europe?
The Essential Key to Effective Lawful Interception: International Cooperation
Customer Support Engineer (m/f)
LIMA Open Office Hours
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Software Project Engineer (M/F)
LIMA Open Office Hours Confirmation
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